Saudi visa check online by passport number very easily in 2024

Today I will discuss Saudi visa check online by passport number. You can easily check Saudi visa online from any country. I will share this method with you. Keep reading the following articles:

Saudi visa check online by passport number very easily in 2024.

Saudi visa check online by passport number in 2024  To check your Saudi visa, you have to visit their official website. Then you have to complete the task yourself with all the required information. How to do it is presented in the form of points.

1. Visit this link:

Saudi visa check online by passport number
Saudi visa check online by passport number

2. Select your nationality. Find the country you live in.

3. Then select the city from which you got your passport.

4. Type the passport number in the blank space.

5. Then select your visa type.

6. Type the image codes. Type in the codes you see. I am giving an example of 647036.

7. Check all your information, then enter the search button.

8. You will see the visa result.

saudi visa check bd

A mobile device or computer is required to check a Saudi visa from Bangladesh. Follow the next steps. Saudi visa check online by passport number.

1. Visit this link:
2. Select Bangladesh.
3. Select Dhaka as the city.
4. Type the Bangladeshi passport number.
5. Select the visa type.
6. Type the image code in the blank.
7. Search.
8. You will see the visa result.

mofa saudi arabia visa check online by passport number

Those who are searching by typing mafa Saudi Arabia visa check online by passport number are basically looking for a visa check. It is important to know the current status of your visa. You can check the visa yourself by following the steps below. 
1. Visit this link:
2. Select your country name.
3. Select the city of your country.
4. Type the passport number of the country you are a citizen of.
5. Select your visa type.
5. You will see a six digit image code, type it in the blank space.
7. Search.
8. You will see the Saudi visa result.

saudi visa type?

When you are thinking about getting a Saudi visa, it is important to know how many types of visas this country has. All types of visa names are mentioned here.

  • Business visit
  • Commarcial visit
  • diplomatic
  • Educational
  • Educational visa long term
  • Educational visa, short-term
  • Electroinic vasi wavir
  • Escort visa
  • Event visa
  • Extend return
  • Family visit
  • Government visit
  • Hajj
  • Medical
  • mission and organization visit
  • personal visit
  • Premium residency
  • resident
  • seasonal work
  • special
  • temporary work
  • tourism visit
  • transit
  • transport of goods
  • Umrah
  • Work visa
  • working visit

how to check saudi visa is original or fake?

When you get a Saudi visa through someone, it is very important to check whether it is genuine or fake. Follow the procedure below Saudi visa check online by passport number.

1. Visit this link:
2. You will see a form. First, select your country name.
3. Select the city name of your country.
4. You will see a blank space for giving a passport number; type your passport number here.
5. Select the type of visa you received.
6. Then you will see a 6-digit code; type it in the blank space.
7. Search, and you will see the results.

If you can see all the information, including your photo, then you will understand that the visa is genuine. See the below image for a better understanding.

how to download saudi visa online?

After checking the Saudi visa online, it can be downloaded or printed. If you can't check the visa, it's talked about in the beginning. After checking the visa, there is a text below to print; enter here and it will be done.

See point two below to download a Saudi visa.

1. Complete the visa check via computer. Then press CTRL+T on the keyboard. Enter save . Thus, the work will be completed. Look at the image below to understand better.

2. After checking the visa, tap on the mobile screen. Then save.


Hopefully, I have been able to give the correct information about the Saudi visa check online by passport number.   I have collected this information from their official website. If you have any questions about this, then comment. I will be happy to answer your questions. 

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